Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Low testosterone occurs in men when the testicles don’t produce the levels of the male sex hormone that they’re designed to produce. This can cause many problems for men because testosterone plays an important role in the male body. It helps develop sexual characteristics, maintain muscle and bone mass, keep your red blood cell levels up, and give you an overall sense of well-being.

If your testosterone level drops, as it does for almost 40% of men 45 and over, you may need to seek some help so you can maintain normal body functions.

At Colonial Healthcare, low testosterone is one of the common men’s health issues Dr. Leonard treats. Here are five signs of low testosterone, and what you can do to relieve these symptoms.


Decreased sex drive

This can happen naturally as men age, but if your decreased sex drive is due to low testosterone, the drop is more significant.


Erectile dysfunction

Men can also have difficulty achieving and maintaining erections if their testosterone levels are too low. With a normal erection, testosterone stimulates the tissues in the penis to produce nitric oxide, which then starts several reactions that result in an erection. This process can’t happen with low testosterone.


Excessive fatigue

Many men with low testosterone levels find it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep, and many also suffer from sleep apnea, which can disrupt your sleep, leaving you fatigued.


Hair loss

A decrease in testosterone can lead to a decrease in the thickness and amount of your hair as well. Balding can be a natural part of aging, but low testosterone levels can lead to a loss of body hair and facial hair as well.


Decrease in bone and muscle mass

Testosterone helps produce bone tissue and maintain bone volume. It also plays a role in the development of muscle mass. If your levels of testosterone drop, this can result in a loss of muscle mass and a reduction in bone volume, which can more easily lead to fractures.


If you suspect you have low testosterone, we can measure the amount of testosterone in your blood using a blood test. Depending on the results, we can treat your low levels with testosterone replacement therapy. This can take the form of injections into your muscles every 10-14 days, testosterone patches applied to different parts of the body every day, or testosterone gels on your upper thighs or arms.


If you want to know more about low testosterone and possible treatments, get in touch with Dr. Leonard today at his convenient Columbia location on Forest Drive today. Dr. Leonard has been treating low testosterone for over 10 years, and he has traveled across South Carolina teaching other physicians how to treat low testosterone and other men's health issues. You can call the office or use our convenient online scheduler to book your own appointment.

Jason Leonard, MD, FAAFP, DABOM Dr. Leonard has been practicing medicine in central South Carolina since 2007 and holds board certifications in both Family Medicine and Obesity Medicine. He was received numerous honors including being named as a Top 10 Family Medicine physician in South Carolina and serving on the South Carolina Medical Board as a expert reviewer for medical and ethical cases.

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